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The North American Holocystites Fauna (Echinodermata: Blastozoa: Diploporita): Paleobiology and Systematics
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Macrocystella? durandin. sp. (Echinodermata, Rhombifera) and new data on the genus Macrocystella in the Cambrian-Ordovician boundary beds of northern Argentina
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First Specimens of the Cornutan Stylophoran Phyllocystis (Echinodermata) in the Ordovician (Volkhov Regional Stage, Dapingian and Darriwilian) of Baltica and Special Aspects of Stylophoran Axial Symmetry
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The nature of the platyceratid–crinoid association as revealed by cross-sectional data from the Carboniferous of Alabama (USA)
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New echinoderms from the early Ordovician of West Texas
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Systematics and Paleoecology of Late Cambrian Echinoderms from the Western United States
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Ophiocistioidea (fossil Echinodermata): an overview
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Sur quelques Crinoides paleozoiques nouveaux de l'Angleterre et de l'Ecosse
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Palaeozoic echinoderm fossils of Western Yunnan, China
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Neoichnological analysis of sea stars in the deep sea near the Aleutian Trench: behavioral insights from in situ observations
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Glossary of crinoid morphological terms
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Disarticulation and Preservation of Fossil Echinoderms: Recognition of Ecological-Time Information in the Echinoderm Fossil Record
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