
8 tulemust
Chronology and climatic peculiarities of the period between ca. 94 and 70 KA (MIS 5B-5A) inferred from palynological and IR-OSL analyses of the Voka reference section (south-eastern coast of the Gulf of Finland)
Bolikhovskaya, N. S., Molodkov, A. N.
The Quaternary of the Urals: global trends and Pan-European Quaternary records. The Quaternary of the Urals: global trends and Pan-European Quaternary records: International conference INQUA-SEQS 2014, Ekaterinburg,
Aasta: 2014 | Leheküljed: 20-22 | abstrakt
Cross-check of the dating results obtained by ESR and IR-OSL methods: Implication for the Pleistocene palaeoenvironmental reconstructions
Molodkov, A.
Quaternary Geochronology
Aasta: 2012 | Köide: 10 | Leheküljed: 188-194 | artikkel ajakirjas
Environmental and climatic peculiarities, chronology and correlation of warm and cold intervals of the period between 100 and 30 KA inferred from palynological and IR-OSL analyses of the Voka reference section (southeastern coast of the gulf of Finland)
Bolikhovskaya, N. S., Molodkov, A. N.
VIII All-Russian Conference on Quaternary Research: Fundamental problems of Quaternary, results and main trends of future studies
Aasta: 2013 | Leheküljed: 75-77 | artikkel kogumikus
Detailed reconstruction of the middle Valdai climatic and phytocoenotic successions between 39 and 33 kyr on the territory of the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland (by results of pollen analysis and IR-OSL dating)
Bolikhovskaya, N., Molodkov, A.
Proceedings of the ХIIth All-Russian Palynological Conference, Vol II
Aasta: 2008 | Köide: II | Leheküljed: 76-82 | artikkel kogumikus
IR-OSL dating of uranium-rich deposits from the new late Pleistocene section at the Voka site, North-Eastern Estonia
Molodkov, A.
Quaternary Geochronology
Aasta: 2007 | Köide: 2 | Leheküljed: 208-215 | artikkel ajakirjas
IR-OSL studies of till and inter-till deposits from the Lithuanian Maritime Region
Molodkov, A., Bitinas, A., Damušytė, A.
Quaternary Geochronology
Aasta: 2010 | Köide: 5 | Leheküljed: 263-268 | artikkel ajakirjas
Anomalous Fading of Ir-Stimulated Luminescence from Feldspar Minerals: Some Results of the Study
Molodkov, A., Jaek, I., Vasilchenko, V.
Aasta: 2007 | Köide: 26 | Leheküljed: 11-17 | artikkel ajakirjas
Dynamics of palaeoenvironmental changes from about 39 KA to 33 KA BP as derived from the detailed IR-OSL and palynological studies of the Voka key section, NE Estonia
Bolikhovskaya, N., Molodkov, A.
Late Pleistocene glacigenic deposits in the central part of the Scandinavian ice sheet: Abstracts. The INQUA Peribaltic Group Field Symposium in Finland, September 11.-15. 2006
Aasta: 2006 | Leheküljed: 9-9 | abstrakt
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