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Evolutionary palaeoecology of serpulid (Polychaeta, Annelida) symbiosis
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Historical Biology
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The first Mesozoic vertebrate coprolites from Algeria
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Convergent evolution of encrusting calcareous tubeworms
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The role of mass extinction events in shaping the body-size dynamics of fossil crinoids
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Paleo-environmental Significance of Ichnofossils from the Kand Formation of the Cambay Basin, Gujarat, India
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Infaunalization and resource partitioning during the Mesozoic marine revolution
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Potential and problems in evaluating secular changes in diversity of animal‐substrate interactions at ichnospecies rank
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Revised Classification, Nomenclator and Typification of Gastropod and Monoplacophoran Families
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What controls the duration and intensity of ocean anoxic events in the Paleozoic and the Mesozoic?
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Mezozoiczno-palogeńskie zmiany i zdarzenia w zapisie ichnologicznym
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Marine influences in the so called continental sediments of the Paleozoic Mesozoic Kandi Basin (Northern Benin, West Africa)
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The Mesozoic marine revolution
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Post-Paleozoic Patterns in Marine Predation: Was there a Mesozoic and Cenozoic Marine Predatory Revolution?
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Escalation reflected in ornamentation and diversity history of brachiopod clades during the Mesozoic marine revolution
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Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
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An asynchronous Mesozoic marine revolution: the Cenozoic intensification of predation on echinoids
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Trace fossils in the Mesozoic sediments of Kachchh Western India
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Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
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