9 tulemust
Microborings reveal alternating agitation, resting and sleeping stages of modern marine ooids
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Dolomite ooids and peloids in the deposits of Devonian Rezekne and Pärnu Formations
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Chemical composition of Lower Ordovician ooids from northern Öland, Sweden, and their sedimentary host matrix
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Aasta: 1988 | Köide: 110 | Leheküljed: 29-38 | artikkel ajakirjas
"Eggshell diagenesis" and primary radial fabric in calcite ooids
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Journal of Sedimentary Research
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Origin of ferriferous ooids; an SEM study of ironstone ooids and bauxite pisoids
Bhattacharyya, D. P., Kakimoto, P. K.
Journal of Sedimentary Research
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On the Lower Cambrian oolitic iron ores of the Baltic syneclise
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Origin and palaeogeographical distribution of the Viruan iron and phosphate ooids in Estonia: evidence from mineralogical and chemical compositions
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Sedimentary Geology
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Ooidide levikust Eesti Keskordoviitsiumis
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Liivimaa geoloogia
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Ooids and oncoids in a Middle Cambrian sandstones from Närke, Sweden
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