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Marine Ecology Progress Series
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Echinoid bioerosion and herbivory on Kenyan coral reefs: the role of protection from fishing
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Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology
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Marine Pollution Bulletin
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Food Deprivation in the Muricid Drill Ocinebrina edwardsi (Mollusca: Prosobranchia): Histomorphological and Behaviour Research
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Submerged tidal notches in the Rijeka Bay NE Adriatic Sea: indicators of relative sea-level change and of recent tectonic movements
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A functional analysis of grazing in parrotfishes (family Scaridae): the ecological implications
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Production and reworking of sediment by parrotfishes (family Scaridae) on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia
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Carbonate transport and within-reef patterns of bioerosion and sediment release by parrotfishes (family Scaridae) on the Great Barrier Reef
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Marine Biology
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Observations on geographical variations in population density of the echinoid Diadema antillarum within the western North Atlantic
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A catalogue of the British marine algae
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Shallow-water Sporolithon rhodoliths from North Island (New Zealand)
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Recent ichnocoenosis in deep water macroids, Ryukyu Islands, Japan
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The West Atlantic boring mollusks of the genus Martesia
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The occurrence of a rock-boring isopod along the shore of San Francisco Bay, California
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An unusual extension of the distribution of the shipworm in San Francisco Bay, California
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Diverse Macroids and Rhodoliths from the Upper Pleistocene of Baja California Sur, Mexico
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Pyrite formation in anoxic environments of the Baltic
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Bioerosion of Live Massive Corals and Branching Coral Rubble on Indonesian Coral Reefs
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Marine Pollution Bulletin
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Cyanobacteria Boring Limestones in Freshwater Settings—Their Pioneering Role in Sculpturing Pebbles and Carbonate Dissolution
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Pleistocene and Recent Borings in Lithologic Substrates on San Salvador Island, Bahamas
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Guide to Bahamian Ichnology: Pleistocene, Holocene, and Modern Environments
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Cryptic Bryozoa, leeward fringing reef of Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles, and their paleoecological application
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Journal of Paleontology
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