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Site selection and behavior of sponge and bivalve borers in shells of the cretaceous oysters Exogyra cancellata and Pycnodonte mutabilis from Delaware, U.S.A
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Microperforations par algues et champignons sur les coquilles des «Marnes à Ostrea acuminata (Bajocien supérieur) de Bourgogne (France), relations avec le milieu et utilisation paléobathymétrique
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Observations on geographical variations in population density of the echinoid Diadema antillarum within the western North Atlantic
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The West Atlantic boring mollusks of the genus Martesia
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A new genus of the Planorbulinidae, an endoparasite of another foraminifera
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The largest complex burrow system from the early Cambrian of Sweden, probably made by priapulids in response to tidal currents
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Feeding habits of predatory gastropods in a Tertiary (Eocene) assemblage from the Paris Basin
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Convergence and contingency in the evolution of a specialized mode of life: multiple origins and high disparity of rock-boring bivalves
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Papers in Palaeontology
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Coral Associations, Biocorrosion, and Space Competition in Pedum spondyloideum (Gmelin) (Pectinacea, Bivalvia)
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Marine Ecology
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Evolutionary synchrony of Earth’s biosphere and sedimentary-stratigraphic record
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