
11 tulemust
Pleistocene glaciation in the Venezuelan Andes
Bezada, M., Kalm, V., Mahaney, W. C.
XIV INQUA Congress, August, 1995
Aasta: 1995 | abstrakt
Lithostratigraphy of the Merida (Wisconsinan) glaciation and pedregal interstade, Merida Andes, northwestern Venezuela
Dirszowsky, R. W., Mahaney, W. C., Hodder, K. R., Milner, M. W., Kalm, V., Bezada, M., Beukens, R. P.
Journal of South American Earth Sciences
Aasta: 2005 | Köide: 19 | Leheküljed: 525-536 | artikkel ajakirjas
Soil stratigraphy and plant–soil interactions on a Late Glacial–Holocene fluvial terrace sequence, Sierra Nevada National Park, northern Venezuelan Andes
Mahaney, W. C., Dirszowsky, R. W., Milner, M. W., Harmsen, R., Finkelstein, S. A., Kalm, V., Bezada, M., Hancock, R.
Journal of South American Earth Sciences
Aasta: 2007 | Köide: 23 | Leheküljed: 46-60 | artikkel ajakirjas
Evidence for a Younger Dryas glacial advance in the Andes of northwestern Venezuela
Mahaney, W. C., Milner, M., Kalm, V., Dirszowsky, R. W., Hancock, R., Beukens, R. P.
Aasta: 2008 | Köide: 96 | Leheküljed: 199-211 | artikkel ajakirjas
A soil chronosequence in Late Glacial and Neoglacial moraines, Humboldt Glacier, northwestern Venezuelan Andes
Mahaney, W., Kalm, V., Kapran, B., Milner, M., Hancock, R.
Aasta: 2009 | Köide: 109 | Leheküljed: 236-245 | artikkel ajakirjas
Reconstruction of the Early Mérida, pre-LGM glaciation with comparison to Late Glacial Maximum till, northwestern Venezuelan Andes
Mahaney, W. C., Kalm, V., Menzies, J., Milner, M. W.
Sedimentary Geology
Aasta: 2010 | Köide: 226 | Leheküljed: 29-41 | artikkel ajakirjas
Reconstruction of the pre-Merida glaciation, northwestern Venezuelan Andes
Mahaney, W. C., Kalm, V., Menzies, J., Hancock, R. G., Milner, M. W.
Sedimentary Geology
Aasta: 2010 | Köide: 230 | Leheküljed: 10-20 | artikkel ajakirjas
Late Quaternary Glaciations in the Venezuelan (Mérida) Andes
Kalm, V., Mahaney, W. C.
Developments in Quaternary Sciences
Quaternary Glaciations - Extent and Chronology. A Closer Look
Aasta: 2011 | Leheküljed: 835-841 | peatükk raamatus
Nye channels (flutings) on the Humboldt Massif, northern Venezuelan Andes
Mahaney, W. C., Kalm, V., Jõeleht, A., Bezada, M., Dirszowsky, R.
Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie
Aasta: 2005 | Köide: 49 | Leheküljed: 253-264 | artikkel ajakirjas
Paleosols and Andean uplift in Venezuela: assessing competing hypotheses of relict tropical soils versus paleohydrogeochemical variations
Mahaney, W., Milner, M., Bezada, M., Kalm, V., Hancock, R.
Journal of South American Earth Sciences
Aasta: 2002 | Köide: 15 | Leheküljed: 525-542 | artikkel ajakirjas
Cyclic lacustrine deposition and soil development in the Mérida Andes, Northwestern Venezuela
Dirszowsky, R. W., Mahaney, W. C., Milner, M. W., Kalm, V., Bezada, M.
International symposium on human impact and geological heritage. Excursion guide and abstracts
Aasta: 2003 | Leheküljed: 61-61 | abstrakt
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