3 tulemust
Faunal dynamics in the Middle Ordovician (Viruan) of Balto-Scandia
Jaanusson, V.
The Ordovician System: proceedings of a Palaeontological Association symposium
Aasta: 1976 | Leheküljed: 301-326 | artikkel kogumikus
Late Viruan (Ordovician) polychaete jaws from North Estonia and the St. Petersburg Region
Hints, O.
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica
Aasta: 1998 | Köide: 43 | Leheküljed: 471-516 | artikkel ajakirjas
Stratigraphy of the Viruan Series (Middle Ordovician) in Northern Estonia, I
Rõõmusoks, A.
Aasta: 1970 | Leheküljed: 1-346 | raamat (tervik)