
33 tulemust
A glimpse into ancient food storage: Sequestrichnia and associated nucleocave Chondrites from Eocene deep-sea deposits
Šamánek, J., Vallon, L., Mikuláš, R., Vachek, M.
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica
Aasta: 2022 | Köide: 67 | Leheküljed: 767-779 | artikkel ajakirjas
Sequestrichnia – a new ethological category of trace fossils in oligotrophic deep-sea environments
Wetzel, A., Uchman, A.
Ichnia 2016, Abstract Book
Aasta: 2016 | Leheküljed: 190-190 | abstrakt
Behavioral and Ecological Implications of Trace Fossils
Frey, R. W.
Trace Fossil Concepts
Aasta: 1978 | Leheküljed: 49-72 | artikkel kogumikus
Complex ichnofossils of solitary and social soil organisms: understanding their evolution and roles in terrestrial paleoecosystems
Hasiotis, S. T.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
New Interpretations of Complex Trace Fossils
Aasta: 2003 | Köide: 192 | Leheküljed: 259-320 | artikkel ajakirjas
Ethologic and ecologic interpretation of complex stellate structures in Pleistocene deep-sea sediments (Otadai Formation), Boso Peninsula, central Japan
Kotake, N.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
New Interpretations of Complex Trace Fossils
Aasta: 2003 | Köide: 192 | Leheküljed: 143-155 | artikkel ajakirjas
Proposal of a Code for the Nomenclature of Trace-Fossils
Sarjeant, W. A. S., Kennedy, W. J.
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences
Aasta: 1973 | Köide: 10 | Leheküljed: 460-475 | artikkel ajakirjas
Sediment–Organism Interactions - A Multifaceted Ichnology
Bromley, R. G., Buatois, L. A., Mángano, G., Genise, J. F., Melchor, R. N. (eds)
SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology
Aasta: 2007 | Köide: 88 | Leheküljed: 1-393 | raamat (tervik)
Behavioral biology of trace fossils
Plotnick, R. E.
Aasta: 2012 | Köide: 38 | Leheküljed: 459-473 | artikkel ajakirjas
Behavioral cladistics of trace fossils: evolution of derived trace-making skills
Ekdale, A., Lamond, R. E.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
New Interpretations of Complex Trace Fossils
Aasta: 2003 | Köide: 192 | Leheküljed: 335-343 | artikkel ajakirjas
Invertebrate Trace Fossils: Ancient Interactions between Organisms and Sediments
Donovan, S. K., Pickerill, R. K.
Rocks and Minerals
Aasta: 1995 | Köide: 70 | Leheküljed: 110-118 | artikkel ajakirjas
Ethology of the trace fossil Chondrites: Form, function and environment
Baucon, A., Bednarz, M., Dufour, S., Felletti, F., Malgesini, G., Neto de Carvalho, C., Niklas, K. J., Wehrmann, A., Batstone, R., Bernardini, F., Briguglio, A., Cabella, R., Cavalazzi, B., Ferretti, A., Zanzerl, H., McIlroy, D.
Earth-Science Reviews
Aasta: 2020 | Köide: 202 | Leheküljed: 102989 | artikkel ajakirjas
The modern and fossil record of farming behavior
Hsieh, S., Schassburger, A., Plotnick, R. E.
Aasta: 2019 | Köide: 45 | Leheküljed: 395-404 | artikkel ajakirjas
Ichnofabric and substrate consistency in Upper Turonian carbonates of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin (Czech Republic)
Mikuláš, R.
Geologica Carpathica
Aasta: 2006 | Köide: 57 | Leheküljed: 79-90 | artikkel ajakirjas
Regurgitalites – a window into the trophic ecology of fossil cephalopods
Hoffmann, R., Stevens, K., Keupp, H., Simonsen, S., Schweigert, G.
Journal of the Geological Society
Aasta: 2020 | Köide: 177 | Leheküljed: 82-102 | artikkel ajakirjas
A test of the gardening hypothesis as behavioral explanation for the Zoophycos trace
Löwemark, L., Lin, I., Wang, C.-H., Schönfeld, J.
SEPM Special Publication
Sediment-Organism Interactions: A Multifaceted Ichnology
Aasta: 2007 | Köide: 88 | Leheküljed: 79-86 | artikkel kogumikus
Ethology of Zoophycos producer: Arguments against the gardening model from ð13Corg evidences of the spreiten material
Löwemark, L., Lin, I., Wang, C., Huh, C., Wei, K., Vhen, C
Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
Aasta: 2004 | Köide: 15 | Leheküljed: 713–725 | artikkel ajakirjas
Ethological implications from a detailed X-ray radiograph and 14C-study of the modern deep-sea Zoophycos
Löwemark, L., Schäfer, P.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
New Interpretations of Complex Trace Fossils
Aasta: 2003 | Köide: 192 | Leheküljed: 101-121 | artikkel ajakirjas
Ecdysichnia –a new ethological category for trace fossils produced by moulting
Vallon, L. H., Schweigert, G., Bromley, R. G., Röper, M., Ebert, M.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Aasta: 2015 | Köide: 85 | Leheküljed: 433-444 | artikkel ajakirjas
Some ichnological concepts, methodologies, applications and frontiers
McIlroy, D.
Geological Society, London, Special Publications
The Application of ichnology to palaeoenvironmental and stratigraphic analysis
Aasta: 2004 | Köide: 228 | Leheküljed: 3-27 | artikkel kogumikus
Middle Cambrian Diplocraterion parallelum from North China: Ethologic significance and facies controls
Zhang, L.-J., Buatois, L. A., Mángano, M. G., Qi, Y.-A., Tai, C.
Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana
Aasta: 2017 | Köide: 56 | Leheküljed: 117-125 | artikkel ajakirjas
Pitfalls, traps, and webs in ichnology: Traces and trace fossils of an understudied behavioral strategy
Lehane, J. R., Ekdale, A. A.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Aasta: 2013 | Köide: 375 | Leheküljed: 59-69 | artikkel ajakirjas
Fossil behavior
Seilacher, A.
Scientific American
Aasta: 1967 | Köide: 217 | Leheküljed: 72-80 | artikkel ajakirjas
Uniformity in marine invertebrate ichnology
Frey, R. W., Seilacher, A.
Aasta: 1980 | Köide: 13 | Leheküljed: 183-207 | artikkel ajakirjas
Complex marine trace fossils
Miller, W. III
Aasta: 1998 | Köide: 31 | Leheküljed: 29-32 | artikkel ajakirjas
Studien zur Palichnologie. II. Die Ruhespuren (Cubichnia)
Seilacher, A.
Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie. Abhandlungen
Aasta: 1953 | Köide: 98 | Leheküljed: 87 – 124 | artikkel ajakirjas
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