274 tulemust
Karst Landforms and Limestones
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South African Geographical Journal
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Erosional and depositional textures and structures in coastal karst landscapes
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Coastal Karst Landforms
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Late Dinatian paleokarst of England and Wales: implications for exposure surface development
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Aasta: 1998 | Köide: 45 | Leheküljed: 19–37 | artikkel ajakirjas
The relative influence of lithology and weathering in shaping shore platforms along the coastline of the Gulf of La Spezia (NW Italy) as revealed by rock strength
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Karst silurijskih i ordovikskih karbonatnyh porod Pribaltiki
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Geologia i geokhimia
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Solution pits. A Research Paper Submitted to the Department of Geography in Fulfilment of the Requirements of Geography 4C
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Zoogenic structures associated with karst valleys, north-western Estonia: paleo-hydrologic implications
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Fe–Mn-encrusted “Kamenitza” and associated features in the Jurassic of Monte Kumeta (Sicily): subaerial and/or submarine dissolution?
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Sedimentary Geology
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Solution and solution pan
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Coastal Karst
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Seawater and Biokarst Effects on Coastal Limestones
De Waele, J., Furlani, S.
Treatise on Geomorphology. Volume 6
Aasta: 2013 | Leheküljed: 341-350 | artikkel kogumikus
Limestone mining in karst area: case study of Nabala deposit
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Eesti Mereakadeemia toimetised
Aasta: 2008 | Leheküljed: 46-54 | artikkel ajakirjas
Subaerial speleothems and deep karst in central Sweden linked to Hirnantian glaciations
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Journal of the Geological Society
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On the formation of the rocks of south Wales and southwestern England
De La Bech, H.T.
Memoir of the Geological Survey of Great Britain
Aasta: 1846 | Köide: 1 | Leheküljed: 1-296 | artikkel ajakirjas
Karstivööndi läbimine Estonia Kaevanduse tingimustes [Magistritöö. Juhendaja: J.-R. Pastarus]
Rjabushenko, V.
Aasta: 2008 | magistritöö
Tektoonilised lõhed ja nende karstumus Eesti NSV Ordoviitsiumi ja Siluri kivimites
Heinsalu, Ü.
Aasta: 1960 | Leheküljed: 1-120 | aruanne
Karst ja karstiveed maa-aluste jõgede ja allikate aladel Põhja-Eestis ja nende kaitse
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Aasta: 1978 | Leheküljed: 1-162 | aruanne
Elektromeetriliste meetodite kasutamine tektooniliste rikete ja karsti tundmaõppimisel Eesti NSV põlevkivi leiuala lääneosas
Andra, H.
Aasta: 1958 | käsikiri
Lipstu nõmm
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Looduskaitse I
Aasta: 1937 | Köide: I | Leheküljed: 140-144 | artikkel kogumikus