
4 tulemust
Environmental conditions at possible Estonian offshore windfarm locations, comparison with working stations
Erm, A., Väli, G., Kask, A., Alari, V., Mark, R., Konts, M.-L., Vahter, K.
BSSC 2009 Abstract Book: 7th Baltic Sea Science Congress 2009; Tallinn, Estonia; August 17-21, 2009
Aasta: 2009 | Leheküljed: 227-227 | abstrakt
A pilot study of hydrodynamical and geological conditions at some possible offshore wind farms in Estonian coastal waters
Erm, A., Alari, V., Kask, J., Kõuts, T., Lilover, M.-J., Kask, A.
Proceedings of European Seminar: Offshore Wind and other marine renewable Energies in Mediterranean and European Seas
Aasta: 2009 | Leheküljed: 49-63 | artikkel kogumikus
Near bottom sediment transport in some possible wind farm locations in the Estonian coastal sea
Erm, A., Bushmann, F., Alari, V., Kask, J., Listak, M., Rebane, J., Toming, G.
11th Colloquium on Baltic Sea Marine Geology, Helsinki 19-21 September 2012
Aasta: 2012 | Leheküljed: 15-16 | abstrakt
Shoreline changes in northern Estonia during the Litorina Sea
Grudzinska, I., Saarse, L., Vassiljev, J., Heinsalu, A.
11th Colloquium on Baltic Sea Marine Geology : Helsinki 19th-21st September 2012, Abstract Book
Aasta: 2012 | Leheküljed: 19-19 | abstrakt
KIKNATARCSARVTÜ Loodusmuuseumi geokogudEesti Loodusmuuseumi geoloogia osakond
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