Tagasi otsingusse
Claussen et al., 2019

The oldest deep-boring bivalves? Evidence from the Silurian of Gotland (Sweden)

Claussen, A. L., Munnecke, A., Wilson, M. A., Oswald, I.
KirjastusSpringer Nature
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Compared to modern counterparts, bioerosion is rare in Paleozoic reefs, especially macro-bioerosion. The unique and enigmatic Silurian reefs from Gotland (Sweden), composed of bryozoans and microbial laminates, show evidence of a large amount of bioerosion. The samples contain Trypanites trace fossils, as well as a large number of undescribed macroborings. Small articulated bivalve shells are preserved in some of these macroborings, identifed from thin-sections. Three-dimensional images from micro-computed tomography (microCT) reveal an additional bivalve, which is occupying a bioerosion trace. This specimen is possibly contained in a diferent boring that can be classifed as possibly clavate-shaped. Furthermore, evidence of nestling, such as a subsequent modifcation of the ichnofossils, the presence of bivalves that are much smaller than the trace, or the presence of additional specimens, is missing; therefore, it is most likely that the bivalves made the borings. This is evidence for the existence of deep-boring bivalves in the Silurian.

Viimati muudetud: 1.1.2025
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