Tagasi otsingusse
Gravestock et al., 2001

The Cambrian Biostratigraphy of the Stansbury Basin, South Australia

Gravestock, D. I., Alexander, E. M., Demidenko, Y., Esakova, N. V., Holmer, L. E., Jago, J. B., Lin, T., Melnikova, L. M., Parkhaev, P., Rozanov, A. Y., Ushatinskaya, G., Zhang, W.-L., Zhegallo, E. A., Zhuravlev, A.
AjakiriTransactions of the Paleontological Institute (PIN)
Tüüpraamat (tervik)


Cambrian biostratigraphy of South Australia (Stansbury and Arrowie basins) is outlined judging by ranges of archaeocyath, small shelly fossil, mollusc, brachiopod, and acritarch assemblages as well as by some data on trilobites and bradoriids. Advanced correlation of lithological units within and between basins is suggested. 7 new acritarchs species, 9 new species and one genus of small shelly fossils, 5 new species and 3 genera of brachiopods, and 21 new species, 9 genera of molluscs are described. A developed systematics of Early Cambrian univalved molluscs, which includes revised diagnosis of orders, families and genera, their composition and stratigraphic and geographic distribution, comprises a significant part of the present work.

Viimati muudetud: 11.1.2025
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