Tagasi otsingusse
Brett, 2003

Durophagous Predation in Paleozoic Marine Benthic Assemblages

Brett, C. E.
RaamatPredator—Prey Interactions in the Fossil Record. Topics in Geobiology, vol. 20
Toimetaja(d)Kelley P. H., Kowalewski, M., Hansen T. A.
KirjastusSpringer New York
Kirjastuse kohtNew York
Kuulub kogumikkuKelley et al., 2003 (eds)
Tüüpartikkel kogumikus


Fossil evidence of biotic interactions is of considerable importance in understanding broad-scale evolutionary patterns and has long attracted the interest of paleontologists (Clarke, 1921; Moodie, 1923; for exhaustive compendium see Boucot, 1990). Although it is notoriously difficult to document with fossils, predation is ubiquitous in modern communities and often of fundamental importance in controlling the abundance and diversity of organisms in marine environments (e.g., Paine, 1969).

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