Tagasi otsingusse
Peel, 2015b

Bromalites from the Cambrian (Series 2 and 3) of North Greenland

Peel, J. S.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Six assemblages of phosphatized bromalites from the Cambrian (Series 2 and 3) of North Greenland provide added insight into community structure in fossil assemblages otherwise dominated by microscopic skeletonized organisms. The bromalites, picked from acetic acid residues, display a wide range of morphologies, including pellets, segmented rods, wrinkled, smooth and segmented convoluted strings. Most are interpreted as extruded faecal material (coprolites) but moulds from the digestive tract (cololites) are also recognized. Most of the coprolites probably were produced by deposit-feeding invertebrates but rare specimens dominated by carapace fragments of bradoriid? arthropods are coprolites from predators. Zigzag-folded bromalites are interpreted as cololites of orthothecid hyoliths and are also recognized in inequivalent strata in China. Longitudinally wrinkled forms may be cololites of unknown origin. Minute spheres (Arenigiapella) forming one coprolite are interpreted as microcrystalline phosphatic coatings of bacteria. Post-diagenetic boring attributed to endolithic cyanobacteria is widespread.

Viimati muudetud: 12.1.2025
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