Tagasi otsingusse
Snigirevskaya & Snigirev, 2001

New locality of Callixylon (Archaeopteridaceae) in the Late Devonian of Andoma Mountain (Vologda Region, north-west Russia) and its importance for the reconstruction of archaeopterids distribution

Snigirevskaya, N. S., Snigirev, S. M.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


A new record of Callixylon based on the anatomical study of wood from the Late Devonian of the Main Devonian Field (north-west of European Russia) has filled one of the lacune on the map of archaeopterids distribution. The new locality of this important genus is placed on the conserved territory of Geological Monument named Andoma Mountain (Andoma Gora). According to the palaeogeographic reconstruction this new Late Devonian locality of Callixylon was located inside the palaeo-equatorial zone.

Viimati muudetud: 25.1.2022
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