Tagasi otsingusse
Jeppsson, 1974

Aspects of Late Silurian conodonts

Jeppsson, L.
Kirjastuse kohtOslo
AjakiriFossils and Strata
Tüüpraamat (tervik)
Joonised12 fototahvlit


The conodonts occurring in the Öved-Ramsåsa Group of Scania ( Skåne ), southernmost Sweden ( Ludlovian-Downtonian; Polygnathoides siluricus - Hindeodella s. eosteinhornensis Zones) are studied in a regional and global context. Changes with time in the areal distribution of conodont species and in conodont faunal diversity are ascribed to climatic fluctuations. Reconstructions of the apparatuses of the type species of Ligonodina and Hindeodella are presented. L. elegans, H. excavata, and H. confluens are discussed with regard to temporal and regional distribution and variation, and phylogenetic relationships. The treatment of these species and Distomodus dubius, Pelekysgnathus dubius, Hindeodella wimani n. sp., H. steinhornensis scanica n. ssp., and H. steinhornensis n. sspp. 1 and 2 includes critical synonymy lists and emended diagnoses. The Scanian material also includes Oneotodus ? beckmanni, Panderodus unicostatus, Ligonodina sp., Hindeodella steinhornensis sspp., H. snajdri, and Polygnathoides siluricus

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