Tagasi otsingusse
Rozanov et al., 2008

To the Problem of Stage Subdivision of the Lower Cambrian

Rozanov, A. Yu., Khomentov, V. V., Shabanov, Yu, Ya., Karlova, G. A., Varlamov, A. I., Luchinina, V. A., Pegel, T. V., Demidenko, Yu. E., Parkhaeva, P. Yu., Korovnikov, I. V., Skorlotova, N. A.
AjakiriStratigraphy and Geological Correlation
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


It was a serious mistake when subdivision stratotypes had been disposed of in practice of constructing the General stratigraphic scale, because they cannot be substituted by the boundary stratotypes. A subdivision stratotype and respective GSSP are complementary parts characterizing any stratigraphic unit. The best candidates for stage stratotypes of the Lower Cambrian are certainly sections of the Lena–Aldan region in the Siberian platform, which have been studied in detail during many years, are well exposed, and contain abundant and diverse fossils, being insignificantly disturbed by tectonic dislocations. Nomenclature, stage and boundary stratotypes of the Siberian standard can be successfully used therefore for stratigraphic subdivision of the Lower Cambrian.

Viimati muudetud: 7.1.2020
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