Tagasi otsingusse
Martin & Raukas, 1986 (eds)
International symposium: Evolution and dynamics of seacoasts in conditions of relative sea level oscillation. Aug. 20-26, 1986
Martin, E., Raukas, A. (eds)
Aasta | 1986 |
Raamat | International symposium: Evolution and dynamics of seacoasts in conditions of relative sea level oscillation. Aug. 20-26, 1986 |
Kirjastus | Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia |
Kirjastuse koht | Tallinn |
Leheküljed | 1-82 |
Tüüp | raamat (tervik) |
Eesti autor | |
Keel | inglise |
Id | 16509 |
Leheküljed | Pealkiri | Autor(id) | |
3-4 | Preface | Raukas, A . | |
44-45 | The accumulation of finegrained deposits with curative properties on Estonian raised shores | Kask, J., Palginõmm, V. | |
46-47 | Baltic Sea molluscs as indicators of former water level fluctuations | Kessel, H. | |
58-59 | Bottom sediments of the Väinameri | Lutt, J. | |
62-62 | The Baltic Sea level oscillations in the Narva-Luuga klint bay | Martin, E. | |
65-66 | Main features of the development of Estonian beaches and coasts at present and in the past | Orviku, Kaarel | |
70-71 | Baltic Sea level fluctuation in late- and post-glacial times according to material from Estonian territory | Raukas, A. | |
77-77 | The development of inlets on a raised coast | Veisson, M. |
Viimati muudetud: 17.2.2022