Tagasi otsingusse
Seslavinsky & Murdmaa, 1991 (eds)
Global palaeogeography of Late Precambrian and Early Palaeozoic
Seslavinsky, K. B., Murdmaa, I. O. (eds)
Aasta | 1991 |
Raamat | Global palaeogeography of Late Precambrian and Early Palaeozoic |
Toimetaja(d) | Seslavinsky, K. B., Murdmaa, I. O. |
Kirjastuse koht | Moscow |
Leheküljed | 1-27 |
Tüüp | raamat (tervik) |
Keel | inglise |
Id | 16860 |
Tallinn Meeting on the Proposed IGCP Project 319, September, 1991
Leheküljed | Pealkiri | Autor(id) | |
6-6 | Freshening of the Late Vendian basin on the East European Platform | Pirrus, E. | |
7-8 | Main features of Arenigian sedimentation on the East European platform | Mägi, S. | |
13-14 | On the most distinct stratigraphical boundary in the East Baltic carbonate section | Hints, L., Meidla, T., Nõlvak, J. | |
13-13 | On the global correlation of the Ordovician System | Hints, L. | |
19-20 | Main stages of the Cambrian sedimentation on the East European Platform | Mens, K. |
Viimati muudetud: 28.4.2022