Tagasi otsingusse
Märss, 1999a

A new Late Silurian or Early Devonian thelodont from the Boothia Peninsula, Arcitc Canada

Märss, T.
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Isolated scales of Boothialepis thorsteinssoni gen. et sp. nov. are described from a fossiliferous calcareous dolomite at the base of the Somerset Island Formation of the Boothia Peninsula, Arctic Canada. A new family, Boothialepididae (Thelodonti), is established on features of the scale morphology and histology. The new genus and species are distinguished by characteristics of crown sculpture, neck, and unusual size of the base. Two other thelodonts, Nikolivia elongata Karatajūtė-Talimaa and Canonia grossi Vieth, and an acanthodian, Poracanthodes sp., are described from the same stratigraphical level. Thelodonts have not previously been described from the Boothia Peninsula. Conodont-based correlation indicates a Late Silurian age for the base of the Somerset Island Formation on the Boothia Peninsula. Correlation of the beds with precisely dated microvertebrates in the Read Bay section on Cornwallis Island enables the age of the horizon with the new species to be determined as Early Devonian.


6 plates
Viimati muudetud: 17.11.2022
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