Tagasi otsingusse
Raukas et al., 2007
Vasavere ancient valley, its morphology, genesis and importance in the economy of North-East Estonia
Raukas, A., Tavast, E., Vaher, R.
Aasta | 2007 |
Kirjastuse koht | Vilnius |
Ajakiri | Baltica |
Köide | 20 |
Number | 1/2 |
Leheküljed | 13-18 |
Tüüp | artikkel ajakirjas |
Eesti autor | |
Keel | inglise |
Id | 18027 |
There are existing different hypothesis about the genesis of palaeoincisions. Well studied Vasavere buried incision in NE Estonia is an excellent example of pre-glacial fluvial valley. Later it was overdeepened by glaciers and filled with glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine deposits. Fluvial genesis is stressed in its structure and morphology. The valley was initially formed probably in late Paleogene and contains big reserves of building sand and gravel, and high-quality underground water. Due to lack of topmost till or clay the groundwater in the valley is weakly protected against surface pollution. The water is influenced also by oil shale mining activities.
Viimati muudetud: 21.4.2021