Tagasi otsingusse
Valiukevičius & Ovnatova, 2005

The Early Famennian conodonts and fishes of Lithuania

Valiukevičius, J., Ovnatova, N.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Four borehole cores of north central Lithuania have yielded more representative associations of conodonts and fishes of the Joniškis Formation than those known before (both Kuþiai and Gruzdþiai Beds). The Icriodus iowaensis conodont zone is established here, dominated by the polygnathid-icriodid biofacies and correlated with the crepida Zone of the conodont standard. Among fishes, the phoebodontid and ctenacanthid? ichthyoliths of the Phoebodus cf. rayi association (the crepida conodont zone) are established, a new representative of phoebodonts and Moythomasia of palaeoniscoids being most stratigraphically valuable in the Joniškis Formation. The overlying Kuršiai Formation is ascribed to the Polygnathus rhomboideus-Polylophodonta confluens conodont association on the basis of the earlier published fauna and cor- related with the standard rhomboidea Zone. Unfortunately, no organisms have been found to date in the earliest Famennian, Kruoja and Šiauliai formations.

Viimati muudetud: 27.2.2020
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