Tagasi otsingusse
Cachão et al., 2009

The bioeroded megasurface of Oura (Algarve, south Portugal): implications for the Neogene stratigraphy and tectonic evolution of southwest Iberia

Cachão, M., Silva, C. M. da, Santos, A., Domènech, R., Martinell, J., Mayoral, E.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


The use of rocky palaeoshore bioerosion analysis as a tool to solve stratigraphic and tectonic issues is beginning to bear fruits. The occurrence of an extensive intra-Miocene marine abrasion platform in southern Portugal at Oura (Albufeira) has been identified on the basis of bioerosion trace fossils analysis. The observed ichnodiversity is rather low, with bivalve boring Gastrochaenolites being dominant. Nevertheless, the ichnoassemblage may be assigned to the Entobia ichnofacies. The palaeoichnological study of the Oura hardground confirmed the existence of an important intra-Miocene stratigraphic gap (ca. 3Ma hiatus), represented by a razor-sharp erosional contact that separates the two main Neogene units in the Algarvian region: the lower carbonate sequence of Lagos–Portimão Formation (Langhian/Serravallian) and the upper siliciclastic sequence of the Cacela Formation (Upper Tortonian).

Viimati muudetud: 1.1.2025
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