Tagasi otsingusse
Gregory et al., 2006

Plant Traces Resembling Skolithos

Gregory, M. R., Campbell, K. A., Zuraida, R., Martin, A. J.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


The ichnogenus Skolithos Haldeman 1840 is a simple tubular trace fossil that was initially described as a “fucoid” or seaweed impression, i.e., a fossilized marine plant. Today the tracemaker is commonly considered to have been a vermiform marine invertebrate, although this interpretation is not acceptable to all. It is the name giver to the archetypal, Seilacherian Skolithos ichnofacies, which is a widely acknowledged indicator of relatively high energy, shallow water, nearshore to marginal marine environments. Here we record and describe analogous cylindrical structures, unquestionably reflecting plant tracemakers. These have been recognized in Quaternary consolidated “coffee” sandrock and Recent coastal dune, marsh or swamp, and salt meadow settings from northern New Zealand and Sapelo Island, USA. We conclude that Skolithos is not an unequivocal indicator of shallow marine settings. Our observations confirm the opinions of a number of previous workers who have expressed the need for caution when using this ichnotaxon as a shallow-water, higher energy palaeoenvironmental indicator, especially when supporting evidence is otherwise lacking. In particular we note that in high intertidal and non-aquatic settings, Skolithos may be a plant trace fossil rather than serve as evidence for invertebrate activities. At the present time there is pressing need for a thorough systematic revision of the Skolithos ichnotaxon.

Viimati muudetud: 12.11.2020
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