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Han & Pickerill, 1994c

Palichnology of the Lower Devonian Wapske Formation, Perth-Andover-Mount Carleton region, northwestern New Brunswick, eastern Canada

Han, Y., Pickerill, R. K.
AjakiriAtlantic Geology
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


The Lower Devonian Wapske Formation of the Tobique Group in the Perth-Andover-Mount Carleton region of north­ western New Brunswick forms part of the tectonostratigraphic Tobique Zone. In this region, the formation is 4000 to 9000 m thick and is interpreted as deep-marine turbiditic in origin. Seven sedimentary facies are recognized. These are: conglomerate facies (Facies 1); massive and parallel-laminated sandstone facies (Facies 2); thin- to thick-bedded sandstone with minor mudstone interbeds and/or mud-capped facies (Facies 3); thin-bedded sandstone and mudstone facies (Facies 4); thin-bed-ded, graded, fine-grained sandstone facies (Facies 5); thin-bedded, fine-grained sandstone and silty mudstone facies (Facies 6); and thin- and medium-bedded siltstone and mudstone facies (Facies 7). These facies are grouped into five facies associations reflecting a deep-marine fan system consisting of distributary channels, depositional lobes, lobe or fan fringes, and interchannel areas associated with a basin plain. A relatively diverse and well-preserved ichnofauna, consisting of 23 ichnogenera (41 ichnospecies) and three vernacular ichnotaxa, is systematically described, these comprising Arthraria Billings, 1872; Bergaueria Prantl, 1945; Chondrites vonSternbe rg, 1833; Cochlichnus Hitchcock, 1858; Cosmorhaphe Fuchs, 1895; Cruziana d’Orbigny, 1842; Dendrotichnium Hantzschel, 1975; Didymaulichnus Young, 1972; Helminthoida Schafhautl, 1851; Helminthopsis Heer, 1877; Hormosiroidea Schaffer, 1928; Monomorphichnus Crimes, 1970; Neonereites Seilacher, 1960; Palaeophycus Hall, 1847; Paleodictyon Meneghini in Murchison, 1850; Phycodes Richter, 1850; Protopaleodictyon Ksiqzkiewicz, 1970; Protovirgularia M ’Coy, 1850; Rusophycus Hall, 1852; Skolithos Haldeman, 1840; Taenidium Heer, 1877; Uchirites Macsotay, 1967; Umfolozia Savage, 1971; two track forms and indeterminate scratch markings. Their palaeoenvironmental distribution within the se­quence correlates well with the interpreted submarine fan complex and compares favourably with other previously docu­mented ichnofaunas from deep-marine fans. Collectively, the ichnofauna of the Wapske Formation is characteristic of Seilacher’s (1967) Nereites ichnofacies .

Viimati muudetud: 20.6.2023
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