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McCann & Pickerill, 1988

Flysch trace fossils from the Cretaceous Kodiak Formation of Alaska

McCann, T., Pickerill, R. K.
AjakiriJournal of Paleontology
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


The Cretaceous Kodiak Formation at the northeastern end of Kodiak Island, Alaska, is interpreted to have been deposited in a distal deep-sea fan complex. Facies analysis of the sequence suggests deposition in channels (both major and distributary), lobe fringe (proximal and distal), and interchannel and interchannel/channel mouth environments. The strata contain a diverse and relatively abundant trace fossil assemblage consisting, at the ichnogeneric level, of twenty-six forms: Acanthorhaphe, Chondrites, Circulichnis, Cochlichnus, Cosmorhaphe, Desmograpton, Glockerichnus, Gordia, Helminthoida, Helminthopsis, Muensteria, Neonereites, Nereites, Paleodictyon, Palaeophycus, ?Phycosiphon, Planolites, Protopaleodictyon, Scolicia, Spirophycus, Spirorhaphe, Taenidium, Taphrhelminthopsis, Terebellina, Thalassinoides, and Yakutatia.

Thirty-eight ichnospecies are described, three of which (Acanthorhaphe ichnosp., Cosmorhaphe helicoidea, and Desmograpton fuchsi) are recorded for the first time in North America. Final channel-fill (levee) and interchannel environments contain the most abundant and diverse ichnoassemblages, a reflection of favorable environmental parameters for inhabitation by benthic organisms, but more importantly the presence of diverse lithotypes conducive to the final preservation of their activity. Channel-fill sequences are devoid of trace fossils, a reflection of substrate mobility and lack of shale interbeds precluding toponomic preservation. Lobe fringe sequences contain only isolated trace fossils, a reflection of their poor exposure and largely monolithologic character.

The ichnoassemblage is compared to 20 previously described and taxonomically well-documented deep-water flysch trace fossil studies from the Phanerozoic. Comparison at the ichnogeneric level is favorable with only Acanthorhaphe, Terebellina, and Yakutatia being relatively unique to the Kodiak sequence.

Viimati muudetud: 26.9.2022
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