Timing of the deglaciation and the late-glacial vegetation development on the Pandivere Upland, North Estonia
DOI | 10.17741/bgsf/88.2.002 |
Aasta | 2016 |
Ajakiri | Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland |
Köide | 88 |
Number | 2 |
Leheküljed | 69-83 |
Tüüp | artikkel ajakirjas |
Eesti autor | |
Keel | inglise |
Id | 20009 |
In this study, the deglaciation chronology of the Pandivere Upland is defined, and the late-glacial vegetation trends of north-eastern Estonia are summarised. The multi-proxy study includes accelerated mass spectrometry 14C dating, plant macrofossil, magnetic susceptibility, loss-on-ignition and grain-size distribution data of the lacustrine sediment record from one previously unpublished study site (Kursi), and the study discusses the results in combination with five previously published study locations from the area. The results indicate that the deglaciation of the Pandivere Upland started at approximately 14200 cal. yr BP and was completed by 13800 cal. yr BP. The ice recession rate was approximately 180 m yr-1. Based on these new radiocarbon dates, the Baltic Ice Lake stage A1 submerged the northern and western ice-free areas of Estonia by ca. 13800 cal. yr BP. The prevalent vegetation type in north-eastern Estonia during the late-glacial period was tundra with local variations in the dominant shrub species. The region remained treeless until the Holocene