Tagasi otsingusse
Mendoza-Rodríguez et al., 2020

The armored burrow Nummipera eocenicafrom the upper Eocene San Jacinto Formation, Colombia: morphology and paleoenvironmental implications

Mendoza-Rodríguez, G., Buatois, L. A., Rincón-Martínez, D., Mángano, M. G., Baumgartner-Mora, C.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


The ichnospecies Nummipera eocenica occurs in thick-bedded, tabular bioclastic massive sandstone of the upper Eocene San Jacinto Formation in the San Jacinto Fold Belt Basin, Colombia. Nummipera eocenica is a vertical to oblique burrow locally displaying a conical shape. The lining structure of the specimens studied consists of uniformly distributed lepidocyclinids and operculinids, with tests typically dipping towards the burrow wall, and well compacted lining. The burrow infill is identical to the host rock, a bioclastic sandstone with abundant bivalve fragments. The diagnosis of Nummipera is emended to include as components of burrow lining all representatives of the Subclass Rotaliana characterized by being lenticular to discoidal in shape. In the San Jacinto Formation, Nummipera eocenica is present in the transition between deltaic mouth-bar and carbonate platform deposits.

Viimati muudetud: 15.3.2021
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