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Plado & Pesonen, 2000 (eds)

Meteorite Impacts in Precambrian Shields. Programme and Abstracts of ESF IMPACT 4th workshop

Plado, J., Pesonen, L. J. (eds)
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Lappajärvi-Karikkoskelä-Sääksijärvi, Finland, May 24-28, 2000


20-20Meteorite impact structures in Fennoscandia - a new look at the databasePesonen, L. J., Abels, A., Lehtinen, M., Plado, J.
31-31Processes responsible for gravity and magnetic anomalies of meteorite impact structures: an overviewPlado, J., Pesonen, L. J., Puura, V.
49-49Hornblende alteration and fluid inclusions in Kärdla impact crater, Estonia - an indication for impact induced hydrothermal activitiesKirsimäe, K., Suuroja, S., Kirs, J., Kärki, A., Polikarpus, M., Puura, V., Suuroja, K.
52-52Distant Resurge influenced Sediments at the Lockne Marine-Target Crater, SwedenOrmö, J., Sturkell, E., Nõlvak, J., Wallin, Å.
53-53Scenarios of cratering and crater survival in Precambrian shield and shallow Palaeozoic platform areas in the Baltic Sea regionPuura, V.
70-70Aeromagnetic signatures of the Neugrund structure, Gulf of Finland, NW EstoniaAll, T., Puura, V.
79-79Paasselkä - the ninth meteorite impact structure in FinlandKuivasaari, T., Pesonen, L. J., Elo, S., Plado, J., Lehtinen, M.
84-84The sulphide mineralization in the rock of the Kärdla impact structurePetersell, V., Suuroja, K.
86-86Geopysical studies at the Ilumetsa impact sitePlado, J., Henkel, H., Olofsson, B.
87-87Carbon-rich and magnetic spherules and particles from Kärdla ejecta, EstoniaPuura, V., Konsa, M., Kleesment, A., Kirs, J., Kirsimäe, K., Suuroja, K.
88-88Dating of Ilumetsa impact craters, SE EstoniaRaukas, A., Tiirmaa, R.
96-96The mineral resources related to the Kärdla impact structure (Hiiumaa Island, Estonia)Suuroja, K., Suuroja, S.
97-97The Neugrund impact structure (Gulf of Finland, Estonia) on the geological and geophysical mapsSuuroja, S., Suuroja, K.
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