Tagasi otsingusse
Koval, 1974

Mass and composition of the Kaali meteorite

Koval, V. I.
Pealkiri originaalО массе и составе метеорита Каали
AjakiriAstronomicheski vestnik
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


The distribution of meteorite fragments around crater number 2 of the Kaali meteorite field was determined, and a scattering map of the meteoritic material, estimated weight = 360 kg, was drawn up. The results are inconsistent with the velocity of Kaali and the assumed impact origin of the crater. Possible reasons for the low mass estimate are discussed, and the size and structure of the fragments are examined. It is proposed that crater number 2 is of explosive origin and that a large part of its mass was vaporized. The presence of a large amount of nonmetallic minerals and sulphides in the meteorite suggests that it belongs to the iron-stone group.

Viimati muudetud: 23.12.2024
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