Tagasi otsingusse
Raukas, 1991e

Eemian interglacial record in the northwestern European part of the Soviet Union

Raukas, A.
AjakiriQuaternary International
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas
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In the territory under discussion, the Eemian period correlates with stage 5e of the deep-sea record. Continental and marine beds of the interglacial have been identified at more than a hundred sites. Pollen stratigraphy at the sites includes seven assemblage zones of wide geographical extent. The Eemian climate was milder and more humid than today. During the climate optimum the mean January temperature above the Baltic was 4–8°C higher. The author supports the theory on the connection between the Eemian and White Sea basins through the system of shallow sounds and the lakes of Onega and Ladoga. The Eemian deposits serve as an excellent key horizon for the study area, furnishing a good basis for palaeoclimatic conclusions and speculations for the future.

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