Tagasi otsingusse
Ahlberg & Bergström, 1978

Lower Cambrian ptychopariid trilobites from Scandinavia

Ahlberg, P., Bergström, J.
AjakiriSveriges Geologiska Undersökning
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Ptychopariid trilobites from the Lower Cambrian of Scandinavia are described. The phylogeny and systematics are discussed. Traditionally they have been regarded as ellipsocephalids, but in this study they are all assigned to the family Solenopleuridae. Most of the material is from Scania (Skåne), south Sweden, the Mjösa district, southern Norway, the south Bothnian area, and from three localities along the Swedish Caledonides. 16 species belonging to presurnably five genera are described. The following genera are revised: Ellipsocephalus, Strenuaeva and Proampyx. New taxa: Strenuaeva spinosa n.sp., Strenuaeva inflata n.sp., Strenuaeva? kullingi n.sp., Proampyx grandis n.sp., Proampyx sularpensis n.sp., Proampyx triangularis n.sp., Comluella? scanica n.sp. Formerly known species are revised and the type specim ens are refigured.

Viimati muudetud: 31.1.2022
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