Tagasi otsingusse
Raukas, 1992m

Evolution of Ice-Dammed Lakes and Deglaciation of the Eastern Peribaltic

Raukas, A.
RaamatJungquartäre Landschaftsräume: Atuelle Forschungen zwischen Atlantik und Tienschan
Toimetaja(d)Billwitz, K., Janke, W., Jäger, K.-D.
KirjastusSpringer Verlag
Kirjastuse kohtBerlin-Heidelberg
Tüüppeatükk raamatus
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The papers published by H. Kliewe on the southern Baltic set an excellent example of a complex approach aimed at elucidating the course of the glacier’s retreat and the development of proglacial water basins. As a result of these investigations, a reasonable picture of the topography and landscape development in the northern part of the former German Democratic Republic and adjoining areas became available. In his papers, Kliewe paid much attention to the history of the Baltic Sea and correlated the shorelines of basins of differing ages. The results obtained are in good agreement with corresponding levels in adjacent areas.


Viimati muudetud: 25.8.2020
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