Tagasi otsingusse
Weidner & Nielsen, 2016

Tomagnostus brantevikensis n. sp. (Trilobita) from the middle Cambrian of Scania, Sweden

Weidner, T., Nielsen, A. T
AjakiriBulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Sparse material of an agnostid trilobite, previously referred to as Tomagnostus cf. corrugatus (Illing 1916), is recognized as a new species, T. brantevikensis n. sp. It occurs in the middle Cambrian (≈ Cambrian provisional Series 3) Triplagnostus gibbus and Acidusus atavus zones (Almbackenian regional Stage) in Scania, southernmost Sweden, but is very rare. The new species resembles T. corrugatus (Illing 1916) and T. perrugatus (Grönwall 1902), but the cephalon is characterized by a tapering glabella, creating an elongate subtriangular outline, and a deltoid depression. The pygidium has an evenly rounded border, is non-spinose, and has a long axis with a non-elongate node. Both shields have a moderately wide border.

Viimati muudetud: 15.3.2024
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