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Martma et al., 2005

The Wenlock-Ludlow carbon isotope trend in the Vidukle core, Lithuania, and its relations with oceanic events

Martma, T., Brazauskas, A., Kaljo, D., Kaminskas, D., Musteikis, P.
AjakiriGeological Quarterly
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A Wenlock to Ludlow terrigenous-carbonate succession in the Vidukle core in Central Lithuania represents a deep shelf environment with a general upwards-shallowing trend, interrupted by brief deepening episodes. The carbon isotope trend, based on 115 whole-rock analyses, shows three main excursions: (1) a major excursion (δ13C values reach 3.2‰) in the lower Wenlock, (2) low shifts (1.3‰ and 1.6‰) at two levels in the uppermost Wenlock Siesartis Formation corresponding to the Monograptus ludensis Biozone, (3) the most prominent excursion (δ13C values reach 8.2‰) occurs in the upper Ludlow Mituva Fm. The upper Ludlow excursion is dated by the last occurrences of Polygnathoides siluricus below the main shift and the appearance of Ozarkodina wimani and O. crispa above the excursion. The excursion stratigraphically coincides with the Lau oceanic Event and is correlated with the mid-Ludfordian Neocucullograptus kozlowskii-Bohemograptus bohemicus tenuis Biozone. Changes in the carbon isotope trend are in general harmony with some aspects of the rock (CaO, terrigenous component) and fossil content of the section. The data presented are consistent with an arid climate model for the Ludfordian isotope event.

Viimati muudetud: 26.2.2025
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