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Miller, 2007 (ed)

Trace Fossils: Concepts, Problems, Prospects

Miller, W. (ed)
Kirjastuse kohtAmsterdam
Tüüpraamat (tervik)


52-77The Ichnofacies Paradigm: A Fifty-Year RetrospectiveMacEachern, J. A., Pemberton, S. G., Gingras, M. K., Bann, K. L. PDF
81-91What's in a Name? Nomenclature, Systematics, IchnotaxonomyBertling, M.
92–109Taphonomy of Trace FossilsSavrda, C. E.
110-134Uses of Trace Fossils in Genetic StratigraphyMacEachern, J. A., Pemberton, S. G., Gingras, M. K., Bann, K. L., Dafoe, L. T.
135-148The Application of Trace Fossils to BiostratigraphyMacNaughton, R. B.
149-158Trace Fossils and Marine Benthic OxygenationSavrda, C. E.
159-171Climatic Control of Marine Trace Fossil DistributionGoldring, R., Codée, G. C., Pollard, J. E.
219-231Zoophycos and the role of type specimens in ichnotaxonomyOlivero, D. PDF
232-247Ichnofacies, Ichnocoenoses, and Ichnofabrics of Quaternary Shallow-Marine to Dunal Tropical Carbonates: A Model and ImplicationsCurran, H. A.
285-323Invertebrate Ichnology of Continental Freshwater EnvironmentsBuatois, L. A., Mángano, M. G.
345-355Early History of Symbiosis in Living Substrates: Trace-Fossil Evidence from the Marine RecordTapanila, L., Ekdale, A. A.
368-381Microborings and Microbial Endoliths: Geological ImplicationsGlaub, I., Golubić, S., Gektidis, M., Radtke, G., Vogel, K.
381-389Stromatolites: a 3.5-billion-year ichnologic recordShapiro, R. S.
391-409Trace Fossils in Evolutionary PaleoecologyMángano, M. G., Buatois, L. A.
458-465Complex Trace FossilsMiller, W.
466-477A constructional model for ZoophycosOlivero, D., Gaillard, C.
478-488Arthropod tracemakers of Nereites? Neoichnological observations of juvenile limulids and their palaeoichnological applicationMartin, A. J., Rindsberg, A. K.
492-501Macaronichnus isp. associated with Piscichnus waitemata in the Miocene of Yonaguni-jima Island, southwest JapanKotake, N.
502-517Meiobenthic Trace Fossils as Keys to the Taphonomic History of Shallow-Marine Epicontinental CarbonatesKnaust, D.
518-530Ichnotaxonomic Review of Dendriniform Borings Attributed to Foraminiferans: Semidendrina igen. nov.Bromley, R. G., Wisshak, M., Glaub, I., Botquelen, A.
562-574Ichnofacies of an ancient erg: A climatically influenced trace fossil association in the Jurassic Navajo Sandstone, Southern Utah, USAEkdale, A. A., Bromley, R. G., Loope, D. B.
Viimati muudetud: 10.3.2025
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