Tagasi otsingusse
Wisshak & Tapanila, 2008 (eds)

Current Developments in Bioerosion

Wisshak, M., Tapanila, L. (eds)
Kirjastuse kohtBerlin Heidelberg
Tüüpraamat (tervik)


3-20The endolithic guild: an ecological framework for residential cavities in hard substratesTapanila, L.
21-54Evolutionary implications of an exceptionally preserved Carboniferous microboring assemblage in the Buckhorn Asphalt lagerstätte (Oklahoma, USA)Wisshak, M., Seuß, M., Nützel, A.
55-64Enigmatic organisms preserved in early Ordovician macroborings, western Utah, USABenner, J., Ekdale, A. A., Gibert, J. M. de
67-94The boring microflora in modern coral reef ecosystems: a review of its rolesTribollet, A.
95-108The trace Rhopalia clavigera isp. n. reflects the development of its maker Eugomontia sacculata Kornmann, 1960Golubic, S., Radtke, G.
109-122Colonisation and bioerosion of marine bivalve shells from the Baltic Sea by euendolithic cyanobacteria: an experimental studyPawłowska, A. M., Paliñska, K. A., Piekarek-Jankowska, H.
123-145The medium is the message: imaging a complex microboring (Pyrodendrina cupra igen. n., isp. n.) from the early Paleozoic of Anticosti Island, CanadaTapanila, L.
147–164Micro-computed tomography for studies on Entobia: Transparent substrate versus modern technologySchönberg, C. H. L., Shields, G.
165-202A history of sponge erosion: from past myths and hypotheses to recent approachesSchönberg, C. H. L.
213-233Two new dwarf Entobia ichnospecies in a diverse aphotic ichnocoenosis (Pleistocene/Rhodes, Greece)Wisshak, M.
235-248Borings, bodies and ghosts: spicules of the endolithic sponge Aka akis sp. nov. within the boring Entobia cretacea, Cretaceous, EnglandBromley, R. G., Schönberg, C. H. L.
265-278Parapholas quadrizonata (Spengler, 1792), dominating dead-coral boring bivalve from the Maldives, Indian OceanKleemann, K.
279-303Echinometrid sea urchins, their trophic styles and corresponding bioerosionAsgaard, U., Bromley, R. G.
307-327Boring a mobile domicile: an alternative to the conchicolous life habitNeumann, C., Wisshak, M., Bromley, R. G.
329-360Biogeographical distribution of Hyrrokkin (Rosalinidae, Foraminifera) and its host-specific morphological and textural trace variabilityBeuck, L., López Correa, L., Freiwald, A.
361–368Endolithic sponge versus terbratulid brachiopod, Pleistocene, Italy: accidental symbiosis, bioclaustration and deformityBromley, R. G., Beuck, L., Ruggiero, E. T,
371-396Micro-bioerosion in volcanic glass: extending the ichnofossil record to Archaean basaltic crustMcLoughlin, N., Furnes, H., Banerjee, N. R., Staudigel, H., Muehlenbachs, K., de Wit, M., Van Kranendonk, M. J.
397-413Microbial bioerosion of bone – a reviewJans, M. M. E.
431-450Trace fossil assemblages on Miocene rocky shores of southern IberiaSantos, A., Mayoral, E., Silva, C. M. da, Cachão, M., Domènech, R., Martinell, J.
451-470Role of bioerosion in taphonomy: effect of predatory drillholes on preservation of mollusc shellsKelley, P. H.
473-478An online bibliography of bioerosion referencesWilson, M. A.
Viimati muudetud: 1.1.2025
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