Tagasi otsingusse
Nara et al., 2020

Scolicia shirahamensis isp. nov.: a triple-corded scolicia and its ichnological implications

Nara, M., Seno’o, M., Yamaoka, Y.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Peculiar meniscate burrows with three sediment cords occur in early to middle Miocene tidal-flat deposits of southwestern Japan. Two of the cords are situated at the bottom and the other is at its center. Detailed observations of the burrow structures and comparative neoichnological studies of modern spatangoid burrows in a tidal flat revealed that the former two were true drainage tubes and the latter was fecal in origin. The trace fossil was thus assigned to the ichnogenus Scolicia. Based on these findings, a new ichnospecies Scolicia shirahamensis isp. nov. has been described here. The central sediment cord is seemingly identical to the drainage tube of the ichnogenus Bichordites, another ichnogenus that has been commonly ascribed to a fossil spatangoid burrow, similar to Scolicia. Careless ichnogeneric identification of a spatangoid burrow, based only on the central sediment cord, therefore, may produce an incorrect identification.

Viimati muudetud: 18.6.2021
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