Tagasi otsingusse
Reyment & Elewa, 2003

Predation by Drills on Ostracoda

Reyment, R. A., Elewa, A. M. T.
RaamatPredator—Prey Interactions in the Fossil Record. Topics in Geobiology, vol. 20
Toimetaja(d)Kelly, P., Kowalewski, M., Hansen, T. A.
KirjastusSpringer New York
Kirjastuse kohtNew York
Kuulub kogumikkuKelley et al., 2003 (eds)
Tüüppeatükk raamatus


Identifiable evidence for predation on fossil ostracods is limited to the drilling gastropods of the families Naticidae and Muricidae. Ostracods are admittedly swallowed by fish, as has been reported for finds in the stomach contents of freshwater fish. This is perhaps more the result of chance events rather than the fish in question having sought out ostracods with the definite intent of preying upon them. The stomach contents of water-birds have yielded ostracod remains and the eggs of some freshwater ostracod species are distributed in the feces of wading birds. There are also isolated reports of echinoids having consumed ostracods, but whether this is by design or by accident has never been resolved.

Viimati muudetud: 28.9.2022
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