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Soesoo, 2006a

Mesozoic alkali basalts and felsic rocks in eastern Victoria, Australia

Soesoo, A.
RaamatDyke Swarms - Time Markers of Crustal Evolution Selected Papers of the Fifth International Dyke Conference in Finland, Rovaniemi, Finland, 31 July- 3 Aug 2005 & Fourth International Dyke Conference, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa 26-29 June 2001
Toimetaja(d)Hanski, E., Mertanen, S., Rämö, T., Vuollo, J.
KirjastusTaylor & Francis
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Southeastern Australia was part of Gondwana and experienced Jurassic magmatism that preceded the Gondwana break-up. Magmatism in this area belongs to the Ferrar low-Ti magmatic group, but mafic and felsic rocks of the Freestone and Benambra areas, Victoria, belong to alkali-rich associations. The 191 Ma Freestone dykes are basalts with alkalies around 6.5wt% at MgO contents of 4.5-8 wt%. The felsic rocks from Benambra (trachydacites, monzogranodiorites) are marginally older and have high alkali contents (12.5% at MgO contents of 0.1-0.9 wt%). 143Nd/ 144Nd ratios of Freestone and Benambra rocks are 0.512427-0.512449 and 0.51231- 0.51237, with ε Nd values of +0.7 to +1.4 and 0 to -1.1, respectively. The Freestone basalts can be modelled as fractionation products of small-degree melts of an enriched mantle source. The crustal contamination of the basaltic magma is insignificant. The felsic rocks may be low-pressure fractionation products of these mafic melts

Viimati muudetud: 6.10.2020
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