Tagasi otsingusse
Donovan et al., 2017

Shell-Filled Burrows in the Upper Oligocene Antigua Formation, Antigua, Lesser Antilles

Donovan, S. K., Harper, D. A. T., Portell, R. W.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Limestones of the Upper Oligocene Antigua Formation of Antigua contain unusual burrows filled with the densely packed debris of shelly benthos. Unlined burrows (Planolites?) in deep-water biofacies at Half Moon Bay, parish of Saint Philip, are packed with a monospecific assemblage of large benthic foraminiferans (Lepidocyclina canelli Lemoine & Douvillé) and a single brachiopod valve, Tichosina sp. A similar burrow in shallower-water biofacies at Hughes Point, parish of Saint Philip, is packed with echinoderm debris and, particularly, test fragments of the spatangoid echinoid Lovenia n. sp. Fragments of the same echinoid fill a conical burrow, Bergaueria isp. The latter is probably a physical accumulation, the common fragments of echinoid being washed into an empty burrow. In contrast, the infill of Planolites? isp. is more likely to be an accumulation mediated by the burrower

Viimati muudetud: 26.9.2022
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