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Moczydłowska & Vidal, 1992

Phytoplankton from the Lower Cambrian Læså formation on Bornholm, Denmark: biostratigraphy and palaeoenvironmental constraints

Moczydłowska, M., Vidal, G.
AjakiriGeological Magazine
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Acritarchs from the Lower Cambrian Læsså formation on Bornholm, Denmark, are taxonomically diverse. Their state of preservation, including thermal, mechanical and chemical alteration, is discussed. Different states of thermal maturation of acritarchs in shales and phosphorites of the Broens Odde member could be explained in terms of possible irradiation from natural radioactive decay. The microfossils form two age-diagnostic assemblages that allow recognition of the Skiagia ornata–Fimbriaglomerella membranacea and Heliosphaeridium dissimilare–Skiagia ciliosa Assemblage Zones within the Broens Odde member of the Laeså formation. Acritarch-based biostratigraphy indicates that the Lower Cambrian Balka Formation and Læså formation correspond to the Schmidliellus mickwitzi Zone and Holmia kjerulfi Assemblage Zone recognized in Baltoscandia and the East European Platform. Acritarch distribution within three different depositional settings indicates that comparable spectra of morphotypes occurred in different depositional environments. This suggests the absence of facies control. During early Cambrian times palaeoenvironmental barriers in shallow, epicontinental shelf basins constituted a minor obstacle for widespread distribution of acritarch taxa. Formerly proposed early Palaeozoic acritarch provincialism appears insufficiently documented in the fossil record and no evidence could be extracted from the Cambrian record. Following a rapid radiation at the onset of the Phanerozoic, Cambrian phytoplankton populations underwent dispersion following oxygenic and nutrient-rich bodies of water within epicontinental and presumably basinal environments. Lower Cambrian acritarch taxa were largely cosmopolitan and little affected by lithofacies associations. A continuous flow of data is contributing to the emergence of acritarch-based biostratigraphy. Its apparent consistency suggests great usefulness for interregional and detailed event correlation.

Viimati muudetud: 21.9.2020
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