Tagasi otsingusse
Vinn, 2020

Biomineralization of Polychaete Annelids in the Fossil Record

Vinn, O.
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Ten distinct microstructures occur in fossil serpulids and serpulid tubes can contain several layers with different microstructures. Diversity and complexity of serpulid skeletal structures has greatly increased throughout their evolution. In general, Cenozoic serpulid skeletal structures are better preserved than Mesozoic ones. The first complex serpulid microstructures comparable to those of complex structures of molluscs appeared in the Eocene. The evolution of serpulid tube microstructures can be explained by the importance of calcareous tubes for serpulids as protection against predators and environmental disturbances. Both fossil cirratulids and sabellids are single layered and have only spherulitic prismatic tube microstructures. Microstructures of sabellids and cirratulids have not evolved since the appearance of calcareous species in the Jurassic and Oligocene, respectively. The lack of evolution in sabellids and cirratulids may result from the unimportance of biomineralization for these groups as only few species of sabellids and cirratulids have ever built calcareous tubes.

Viimati muudetud: 21.5.2024
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