Tagasi otsingusse
Holmer, 1993

The Lower Ordovician brachiopod genus Lamanskya and the Family Elkaniidae

Holmer, L. E.
AjakiriEarth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


The Lower Ordovician (Oeland Series) type species of Lamanskya, L. splendens Moberg & Segerberg 1906, was described originally as an articulate brachiopod, but it is here redescribed and referred to the lingulid Family Elkaniidae. L. splendens ranges from the late Tremadoc to the early Arenig in Baltoscandia (Norway, Sweden, Estonia, and the St Petersburg district of Russia). Aulonotreta kuraganica Andreeva 1972 from the Lower Ordovician of the Ural Mountains is also redescribed and referred to Lamanskya. The genus Dictyobolus Williams & Curry 1985, from the Lower Ordovician of Ireland, is a junior synomym of Lamanskya. All species of the genus are strongly biconvex, and have a well-developed ornamentation of elongate lenticular pits. The problematic Genus Volborthia von Moller 1870 is also considered tentatively to belong within the Elkaniidae.

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