Tagasi otsingusse
Keller & Rozanov, 1980 (eds)
Palaeogeography and lithology of Vendian and Cambrian of the western part of the East-European Platform
Keller, B. M., Rozanov, A. Yu. (eds)
Aasta | 1980 |
Pealkiri originaal | Палеогеография и литология венда и кембрия запада Восточно-Европейской платформы |
Kirjastus | Nauka |
Kirjastuse koht | Moscow |
Leheküljed | 1-120 |
Tüüp | raamat (tervik) |
Eesti autor | |
Keel | vene |
Id | 26354 |
Leheküljed | Pealkiri | Autor(id) | |
5-8 | Introduction | Mens, K. A. | |
15-19 | Redkino time | Bessonova, V. Ya., Velikanov, V. A., Keller, B. M., Kirsanov, V. V. | |
19-24 | Kotlin time | Bessonova, V. Ya., Velikanov, V. A., Keller, B. M., Kirsanov, V. V. | |
24-26 | Rovno time | Rozanov, A. Yu. | |
26-29 | Lontova time | Mens, K. A. | |
30-35 | Talsy time | Kiryanov, V. V. | |
39-42 | General problems on Vendian and Lower Cambrian history of the East-European platform | Keller, B. M., Mens, K. A., Rozanov, A. Yu. | |
43-45 | Part II. Problems of Vendian and Cambrian lithology of the western part of the East-European Platform. Introduction | Mens, K. A. | |
79-89 | Petrographic characteristic of Pre-Cambrian and Cambrian marine deposits on the platform part of Poland | Juskowiakowa, M. | |
89-96 | Mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of Pre-Cambrian - Cambrian bordering strata in the platform part of Poland | Wichrowska, M. | |
97-104 | Clay minerals in the Vendian and Cambrian rocks and their importance for palaeogeography and stratigraphy | Pirrus, E. A. |
Viimati muudetud: 20.2.2022