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Gaston et al., 2003

Grallator-Dominated Fossil Footprint Assemblages and Associated Enigmatic Footprints from the Chinle Group (Upper Triassic), Gateway Area, Colorado

Gaston, R., Lockley, M., Lucas, S., Hunt, A.
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The upper part of the Chinle Group (Late Triassic) of the Gateway area in western Colorado is extraordinarily rich in fossil footprint assemblages. Dominant track types include small Grallator tracks, generally attributed to Coelophysis-like theropods, which often occur in high densities of 50 to 100 per m2. Other abundant ichnotaxa that are attributable to dinosaurs or dinosaur-like archosaurs include Pseudotetrasauropus and Tetrasauropus, attributed to prosauropods and sauropods, respectively. Several Pseudotetrasauropus-like tracks appear to be functionally didactyl and may indicate a new ichnotaxon that represents an animal that shows certain unusual features that are convergent with dromeosaurs and certain birds. Such convergence may reflect inherent growth programs as much as functional adaptations. Non-dinosaurian ichnotaxa include Brachychirotherium (probably of aetosaur affinity) and Rhynchosauroides, attributed to a sphenodontid/lizard-like form. Other ichnotaxa include probable therapsid (dicynodont) tracks labeled Pentasauropus sp., mammaloid (non-therian mammal and/or mammal-like reptile) tracks, and the trails of arthropods. Excellent preservation and high track densities mark the Gateway assemblages in a thin stratigraphic interval in the upper part of the Chinle Group (Rock Point Formation). The track assemblages are similar to those reported from the Chinle Group in other parts of the Colorado Plateau and Rocky Mountain region, extending over most of Colorado, Utah, northern Arizona and northern and eastern New Mexico. Some of the Chinle ichnotaxa (Grallator and Brachychirotherium) are found in the overlying Wingate Formation, indicating that it is also Late Triassic in age, at least in the lower part. However, overall the Chinle and Wingate assemblages are quite different, most notably in the rarity of mammaloid/mammal-like tracks in the Chinle Group.

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