Tagasi otsingusse
Marty et al., 2003

Preliminary Report on the Courtedoux Dinosaur Tracksite from the Kimmeridgian of Switzerland

Marty, D., Hug, W., Iberg, A., Cavin, L., Meyer, C., Lockley, M.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


In 2002 a new dinosaur tracksite was discovered in calcareous laminites of early Late Kimmeridgian age along the future course of the “Transjurane” highway in Courtedoux, Canton Jura, Northern Switzerland. The site has an extraordinary scientific potential, as the laminites, which have been deposited in an intertidal to supratidal environment, contain at least 6 track-bearing levels in a total thickness of about 1 m. The laminites are being systematically excavated by the “Section de paleontologie” over an area of approximately 1500 m2. So far the main track level has been uncovered over an area of about 650 m2, which reveals 2 trackways of theropods and 17 trackways of sauropods. The sauropod tracks are the smallest known in the Kimmeridgian so far, and the trackways belong to the ichnogenus Parabrontopodus, which has been revealed for the first time in Switzerland. The tracksite belongs to the “Middle Kimmeridgian megatracksite” sensu Meyer (2000), and represents the most important dinosaur tracksite in Switzerland, perhaps with the potential for development into one of the world's largest sauropod tracksites. It will be protected in situ underneath an especially constructed highway-bridge, thus offering opportunities for future research and the development of an interpretative center for education and tourism.

Viimati muudetud: 23.11.2020
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