Tagasi otsingusse
Schumacher, 2003

An Addition to the Dinosaur Freeway Megatracksite, Dakota Group (Upper Cretaceous), Bent County, Colorado

Schumacher, B. A.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


A newly discovered dinosaur tracksite in the Upper Cretaceous Dakota Group of southeastern Colorado preserves tracks attributable to ornithopod, theropod, and possibly ankylosaurid dinosaurs. Minimally 79 tracks occur at the site, and are comprised predominantly of ornithopod prints preserved as natural sandstone casts. Nine ornithopod tracks are preserved in situ, and all but one of these trends in a northeasterly direction. The high density of ornithopod tracks coupled with the similar trend of those in situ suggest gregarious behavior. Size distribution of the ornithopod tracks indicates that some juveniles are present, with sub-adults most abundant and lesser numbers of mature adults. Considerable size variation exists within the nine in situ tracks with similar trends. Thus, the site could record the passage of a mixed herd composed of several age classes. This may be the only reported Dakota tracksite where ornithopod, theropod, and ankylosaurid prints occur together.

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