Tagasi otsingusse
Pour et al., 2011

Early Ordovician (Tremadocian) brachiopods from the Eastern Alborz Mountains, Iran

Pour, M. G., Kebriaee-Zadeh, M. R., Popov, L. E.
AjakiriEstonian Journal of Earth Sciences
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas
LitsentsCC BY 4.0


Six linguliform and two rhynchonelliform brachiopods, including three new species Eurytreta ahmadiiWahwahlingula kharbashi and Nanorthis bastamensis are described from Tremadocian strata (Paltodus deltifer deltifer conodont Biozone) in the Deh-Molla area southwest of Shahrud, Northern Iran. The fauna is dominated by micromorphic lingulides and acrotretides and shows distinct similarity to the contemporaneous micromorphic brachiopod association from Tremadocian chalcedonites of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland. New data on the early ontogeny of the enigmatic lingulide Diencobolus show a very distinct pattern, including the presence of a metamorphic protegulum ornamented with flat-based pits and a single pair of larval setal bundles, which links this taxon to Paterula and suggests close phylogenetic relationships of both taxa to the Discinoidea.

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